A. 原著論文等
- Makino Y, Yokota H, Hayakawa M, Yajima D, Inokuchi G, Nakatani E, Iwase H. Spinal cord injuries with normal post-mortem computed tomography images: a pitfall of virtual autopsy for detecting traumatic deaths. Am J Roentgenol. 2014; 203 : 240-244.
- Hayakawa M, Makino Y, Yajima D, Inokuchi G, Motomura A, Chiba F, Torimitsu S, Ishii N, Saitoh H, Iwase H. A fatal case of adult small bowel volvulus. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2014;16(5):300–302.
- Morgan B, Alminyah A, Cala A, O’Donnell C, Elliott D, Gorincour G, Hofman P, Iino M, Makino Y, Moskata A, Robinson C, Rutty GN, Sajantila A, Vallis J, Woodford N, Wozniak K, Viner M. Use of post-mortem computed tomography in Disaster Victim Identification. Positional statement of the members of the Disaster Victim Identification working group of the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging; May 2014. Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging. 2014;2(3):114-116.
- Chiba F, Makino Y, Motomura A, Inokuchi G, Ishii N, Torimitsu S, Sakuma A, Nagasawa S, Saito H, Yajima D, Hayakawa M, Iwase H.Bilateral middle cerebral artery infarction associated with traumatic common carotid artery dissection: a case report and review of literature.Forensic Sci Int. 2014 Mar;236:e1-4.
- Chiba F, Makino Y, Motomura A, Inokuchi G, Torimitsu S, Ishii N, Kubo Y, Abe H, Sakuma A, Nagasawa S, Saitoh H, Yajima D, Hayakawa M, Miura M, Iwase H.Age estimation by quantitative features of pubic symphysis using multidetector computed tomography.Int J Legal Med. 2014 Jul;128(4):667-73.
- Shintani-Ishida K, Saka K, Yamaguchi K, Hayashida M, Nagai H, Takemura G, Yoshida K. MDMA induces cardiac contractile dysfunction through autophagy upregulation and lysosome destabilization in rats. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014; 1842: 691-700.
- Nagai H, Saka K, Nakajima M, Maeda H, Kuroda R, Igarashi A, Tsujimura-Ito T, Nara A, Komori M, Yoshida K. Sudden death after sustained restraint following self-administration of the designer drug α-pyrrolidinovalerophenone. Int J Cardiol. 2014; 172 (1): 263-265.
- Kudo K, Usumoto Y, Usui K, Hayashida M, Kurisaki E, Saka K, Tsuji A, Ikeda N. Rapid and simultaneous extraction of acidic and basic drugs from human whole blood for reliable semi-quantitative NAGINATA drug screening by GC–MS. Forensic Toxicol. 2014; 32: 97-104.
B. 解説,評論,総説等
- 岩瀬博太郎, 槇野陽介 オートプシーイメージング. 医学のあゆみ 2014; 249(5): 493.
C. 単行本
- 坂幹樹, 林田眞喜子, 工藤恵子, 新津ひさえ, 栗崎恵美子, 寺田賢: 中枢神経作用薬など.鈴木修,大野曜吉,須崎紳一郎,花尻(木倉)瑠理 監修.薬毒物情報インデックス.東京: 日本医事新報社; 2014; p1-413.
D. 報告等
E. 学会発表
- Makino Y, Yokota H, Hayakawa M, Yajima D, Inokuchi G, Motomura A, Chiba F, Torimitsu S, Nakatani E, Iwase H. Can post-mortem multidetector CT use for cervical spine clearance? 2nd Congress of the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging (ISFRI), Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging, 2014; 2(2):p98, Marceille, France.
- Makino Y, Inokuchi G, Yokota H, Hayakawa M, Yajima D, Motomura A, Chiba F, Torimitsu S, Nakatani Y, Iwase H. An autopsy report of coronary artery dissection associated with fibromascular dysolasia revealed by post-mortem selective coronary angiogramphy. 9th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine (ISALM). 2014. Fukuoka.
- Makino Y, Yokota H, Hayakawa M, Yajima D, Inokuchi G, Motomura A, Chiba F, Torimitsu S, Uno T, Iwase H. CT findings of gunshot wound victims with autopsy comparison. The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society, Abstracts, pS183, 2014.Yokohama.
- Chiba F, Makino Y, Motomura A, Inokuchi G, Torimitsu S, Ishii N, Kubo Y, Abe H, Sakuma A, Nagasawa S, Saitoh H, Yajima D, Hayakawa M, Miura M, Iwase H. Age estimation by quantitative features of the pubic symphysis. The 9th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine. 2014. Fukuoka.
- Akina N, Nagai H, Shintani-Ishida K, Yoshida K. Age-related incidence of arginase activation-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats exposed to intermittent hypoxia. 9th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine. pp121. 2014. Fukuoka.
- Rustuko Yamaguchi, Hisashi Nagai, Akina Nara, Makoto Nakajima, Ken-ichi Yoshida,Hirotaro Iwase.Acute-on-chronic subdural hematoma in a young adult female: a case report.9th International Symposium on ADVANCES IN LEGAL MEDICINE. 2014. Fukuoka.
- Mari Hashimoto, Makoto Nakajima, Aya Takada, Kazuyuki Saito, Ryohei Kuroda, Ken-ichi Yoshida Lethal cardiac tamponade due to ruptured myocardial infraction emerged during catherter ablation. 9th International Symposium on ADVANCES IN LEGAL MEDICINE. 2014. Fukuoka.
- Maeda Hideyuki,Nagai Hisashi, Yoshida Ken-ichi,Intermittent hypoxia exposure induces pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats fed high-fat-diet through microthrombus formation.第98次日本法医学会学術全国集会.日本法医学雑誌2014; 68; p232 福岡.
- 槇野陽介, 安部寛子, 横山政昭, 鳥光優, 本村あゆみ, 千葉文子, 猪口剛, 奈良明奈, 岩瀬博太郎. 死後CT及び蛍光X線分析法を応用し, 水銀塞栓症を発見した1剖検例. 第83回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会, 2014, 東京.
- 千葉文子, 槇野洋介, 本村あゆみ, 猪口剛, 鳥光優, 石井名実子, 久保祐子, 星岡佑美, 安部寛子, 永澤明佳, 咲間彩香, 斉藤久子, 岩瀬博太郎. 診断に困難を伴った外傷性横紋筋融解症の一例. 第83回日本法医学会関東地方会,2014,東京.
- 山口るつ子,槇野陽介,千葉文子,鳥光 優,本村あゆみ,猪口 剛,篠崎智大,岩瀬博太郎.死後非造影CTによる心嚢内出血の鑑別診断.第83回日本法医学会学術関東地方会.2014,東京.
- 橋本茉莉,槇野陽介,岸本充,千葉文子,猪口剛,本村あゆみ,鳥光 優,岩瀬博太郎.熱中症との鑑別が困難であった甲状腺クリーゼの一例.第83回日本法医学会学術関東地方会.2014,東京.
- 槇野陽介, 安部寛子, 横山政昭, 鳥光優, 本村あゆみ, 猪口剛, 岩瀬博太郎. 死後CTで心臓・肺に金属片が指摘された2剖検事例. 第21回法医病理夏期セミナー.2014. 新潟.
- 中嶋信,橋本茉莉,山田真嗣.荒川感潮域における珪藻の季節変動.日本珪藻学会第35回大会.Diatom 2014; 30: p229,名古屋.
F. 教育活動
- 岩瀬博太郎:死後CT活用時の問題点.国立保健医療科学院死体検案研修.2014年2月.埼玉.
- 岩瀬博太郎:警察大学校研修講義(2回).2014年.東京.
G. 法医実務件数